My name conveniently happens to be – ‘Be‘ – aka Beatriz and I am practicing how to be every day.
My passion lies in exploring the imbalances that are created from moving too fast and getting on with things, while not acknowledging the impact this can have on who we are being, or vice versa, the impact moving to slow can have on us as well.
By acknowledging what’s between the lines, without judgement, just noticing, beyond these lines and this space, we notice what is present for you and your entire being, i.e. in your mind, body and soul.
My mission is to help you unleash the beautiful, talented, unique person you already are but most importantly call forward your wise and authentic self to the surface.
By identifying the blocks that are holding you back, you will find the capacity to shed any unwanted layers and leap forward and shine in whatever area of your life you desire.
Being human isn’t meant to stop when you sit at your desk or when you walk into your office building every day. We are humans with feelings and by acknowledging these, we may find it’s easier to continue “doing” effectively in all areas of our lives, i.e. work and play!
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